This page contains information about the project that will be developed by the students in the Declarative Programming Course (2006-07)

The project will be hosted in Sourceforge (Weso)

The project consist in the development of a set of tools to work with semantic web technologies.

The first prototype will develop an intermediate vocabulary to represent a list of events. Each event will have the following information:

The first prototype will develop the following stylesheets

It will convert the list of events to HTML format. It could also convert to more graphical formats like SVG or PDF
It will convert feeds in Atom format to the Events format
It will convert the list of events to RDF format. This format will be linked to an Ontology in OWL which will allow to derive some inferences.
Author: Jose Emilio Labra Gayo
Last Updated: $Date: 2006/10/18 23:21:06 $