After the 50th anniversary of Lotfi Zadeh's first paper about
fuzzy sets, fuzzy sets, the logic derived from them,
Fuzzy logic (FS/FL), and related approaches have been the subject of much debate
in the AI and Machine Learning (ML) communities. To date, many AI/ML systems have been developed which include at least some FS/FL aspects.
Workshops on Fuzzy Logic in AI were held in conjunction with IJCAI 1991, held in Sydney, Australia, and subsequent workshops held in conjunction with IJCAI'93 (Chambery, France), IJCAI'95 (Montreal, Canada) and IJCAI'97 (Nagoya, Japan).In the intervening years, fuzzy techniques, along with other approaches to handle uncertainty and imprecision, have made significant inroads into the development of AI systems. Last FLinAI workshop took place last year in Buenos Aires. It is therefore appropriate and important to take stock of these developments, to evaluate the past, and to see how the integration of such techniques with AI will develop in the future.