DELHIS: Devising and Learning Heuristics for Industrial Scheduling
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation - Challenges (Ref. PID2022-141746OB-I00). (2023 to 2025).

Green Uncertain Scheduling with Intelligence
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation - Proyectos de Transición Ecológica y Transición Digital 2021 (Ref. TED2021-131938B-I00). (2022 to 2023).

Ayuda para el mantenimiento de actividades de investigación de institutos universitarios de investigación y grupos de investigación reconocidos por la Universidad de Oviedo para el ejercicio 2021 - Programa de Apoyo y Promoción de la Investigación (PAPI) 
Funded by the University of Oviedo (Ref. 2021- GR2012-0012). (2021).

Scheduling, Optimization, New Challenges, New Methods
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation - Challenges (Ref. PID2019-106263RB-I00). (2020 to 2023).

AIDA- Artificial Intelligence & Data Analysis
Funded by the Principality of Asturias (FEDER) (Ref. ID/2018/000176). (2018 to 2020).

Scheduling with multiobjective metaheuristics applied to real-life transportation problems
Funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity - Challenges (Ref. TIN2016-79190-R). (2016 to 2020).

Intelligent Techniques for Obtaining Robust and Energy-aware Solutions in Scheduling: Application to Transport::UNIOVI
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ref. TIN2013-46511-C2-2-P). (2014 to 2016).

MHERLIN: MetaHEuristics for Stability and Robustness in ScheduLing under INcertainty
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ref. TIN2010-20976-C02-02). (2011 to 2013, extended to 2014).
Co-funded by FICYT (Ref. FC-13-COF13-035). (2013 to 2014).

AEDHROS: Analysis, specification and development of hybrid techniques for the resolution of optimization problems and satisfy
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ref. TIN2007-67466-C02-01). (2007 to 2010). 

DEMHER: Development and Evaluation of Metaheuristics for problems with restrictions 
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ref: TIC2003-04153). (2003 to 2006). 

National Thematic Network Planning, Scheduling and Temporal Reasoning (Second Stage) 
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ref.: TIN2004-20168-E). (2005 to 2006). 

National Thematic Network on Planning, Scheduling and Temporal Reasoning 
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ref: TIC2001-4936-E). (2002-2003). 

Problem Solving with Constraints by Hybrid Techniques 
Funded by the FICYT (Ref: FC-01-PB-TBI-04). (2001-2002). 

Problem Solving with Parallel Techniques, Heuristics and Genetic 
Funded by the D.G.E.S. (Ref: DGE-99-PB98-1541). (2000). 

Problem Solving with Parallel Techniques, Heuristics and Genetic 
Funded by the University of Oviedo (Ref: NP-99-534-14). (1999). 

Development and Evaluation of a model's interpretation in Parallel Logic Programs 
Funded by the FICYT (Ref: FC-97-PBP-TIC97-03). (1997-1998). 

The Model RFD / RPS: A New Approach to Parallel Interpretation of Logic Programs 
Funded by the University of Oviedo (Ref: NP-97-19). (1997). 

Model Generalization and Applications RFD / RPS Parallel Interpretation of Logic Programs 

Funded by the University of Oviedo (Ref: DF-96-513-10). (1996). 

Simulation and Evaluation Model RFD / RPS Parallel Interpretation of Logic Programs 
Funded by the University of Oviedo (1995)