Category: Benchmarks
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Date 2022-09-28
File Size 6.1 MB
Download 68

New instances proposed in the paper "Mathematical Models and Benchmarking for Fuzzy Job
Shop Scheduling Problem"

Date 2022-07-14
File Size 331.85 KB
Download 193

Instances proposed in "Vehicle routing problem with zone-based pricing. Murat Afsar, Sezin Afsar, Juan José Palacios. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 152, pp. 102383, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2021.102383"

Date 2021-06-09
Language  English
File Size 260.65 KB
Download 151

Instances used for the experimental study of the work "Genetic Programming with Local Search to evolve priority rules for scheduling jobs on a machine with time-varying capacity"

Date 2021-05-27
File Size 10.82 MB
Download 270

Instances used for the experimental study of the work "Multi-objective enhanced memetic algorithm for green
job shop scheduling with uncertain times"

Date 2020-07-29
File Size 14.28 KB
Download 171

Benchmark instances for Interval Job Shop Scheduling

Date 2020-01-28
File Size 11.8 KB
Download 165

Instances used in "Evolutionary tabu search for flexible due-date satisfaction in fuzzy job shop scheduling"

Date 2019-11-02
File Size 555.04 KB
Download 285

Benchmarks for Fuzzy Job Shop Problems (Information Sciences Survey)

Date 2019-10-16
File Size 184.21 KB
Download 164
Date 2019-10-16
File Size 87.85 KB
Download 151

New benchmark problems proposed for the fuzzy flexible job shop problem in the paper "Genetic Tabu Search for the Fuzzy Flexible Job Shop Problem".

Date 2019-10-16
File Size 75.13 KB
Download 167

Instances of Paper: "Electric Vehicle Charging under Power and Balance Constraints as Dynamic Scheduling"

Authors: Alejandro Hernández-Arauzo, Jorge Puenta, Ramiro Varela, Javier Sedano

Note: The description of these instances is in the "Experimental study" section of this paper.

Date 2019-10-16
File Size 323.1 KB
Download 151
Date 2019-10-16
File Size 781.09 KB
Download 141

Benchmark instances for fuzzy job shop

Date 2019-10-16
File Size 153.03 KB
Download 136

Here we attach the results for Fuzzy Job Shop instances that are refered to in the paper "Benchmarks for Fuzzy Job Shop Problems".

Date 2019-10-16
File Size 43.56 KB
Download 144

Benchmark for Single Machine Scheduling with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times and Weighted Tardiness Minimization

Date 2019-10-16
File Size 1.42 MB
Download 166

Benchmarks for Schedule generation schemes and genetic algorithm for the scheduling problem with skilled operators and arbitrary precedence relations (ICAPS 2015)

Date 2019-10-16
File Size 160.16 KB
Download 138

Benchmark for "Satisfying flexible due dates in fuzzy job shop by means of hybrid evolutionary algorithms" Download

Date 2019-10-16
File Size 292.61 KB
Download 127