Category: Detailed Results from Papers
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Detailed results for the paper "Mathematical Models and Benchmarking for Fuzzy Job Shop Scheduling Problem"

Date 2023-07-25
Language  English
File Size 29.77 KB
Download 75


Precise Makespan Optimization via Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Scientific Workflow Scheduling Problem

The files contain all the data gathered in the experimentation.

The information is separated in two files (in Microsoft Excel format: .xlsx):
- `benchmark_analysis_fast.V3`
- `benchmark_analysis_mixed.V3`

Description of the contents

Both excels contains the same distribution, but one is for the scenario with the same type of host and the other is for the mixed scenario.

Instances tab

Contains the name off all instances used in the experimentation.

Data tab

In this tab we can find the raw data. Each row is the execution for a benchmark and a host. The Real value means the Makespan is from the wrench simulator. The calculated Makespan is from the GA. The other fields are used to calculate the dynamic tables.

Accuracy Tab

This dynamic table contains the accuracy study. The second table is calculated using the min value for each instance and then calculating the mean of those values per problem family.

Makespan MPE

This dynamic table contains the MPE study. The values in bold are when there is an improvement from the base makespan ($HEFT_{NC}$)

Date 2023-06-27
Language  English
File Size 272.82 KB
Download 33
Date 2023-02-27
File Size 4.26 MB
Download 43
Date 2023-01-20
File Size 42.25 KB
Download 36
Date 2022-11-23
File Size 5.07 MB
Download 50
Date 2022-07-14
File Size 5.36 MB
Download 56
Date 2021-10-19
File Size 940.22 KB
Download 112

Detailed results for the paper "Multi-objective enhanced memetic algorithm for green job shop scheduling with uncertain times"

Date 2021-09-03
File Size 118.95 KB
Download 57
Date 2019-10-16
Download 175
Date 2019-10-16
File Size 1.29 MB
Download 113
Date 2019-10-16
File Size 135.25 KB
Download 103
Date 2019-10-16
File Size 47.2 KB
Download 126

Schedule generation schemes and genetic algorithm for the scheduling problem with skilled operators and arbitrary precedence relations (ICAPS 2015)

Date 2019-10-16
File Size 115.09 KB
Download 136
Date 2019-10-16
File Size 88.05 KB
Download 116

Detailed results from the paper "Hybrid Tabu Search for Fuzzy Job Shop" presented at IWINAC 2013 Conference

Date 2019-10-16
File Size 130.89 KB
Download 179