Curriculum Vitae

fotografia de Luciano Sanchez

Luciano Sánchez received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from the University of Oviedo, Spain, in 1991 and 1994, respectively. He is an associate professor with the Department of Computer Science, University of Oviedo, head of the research group “Metrology and Models” and founding partner of the spin-off of the research group, IDALIA S.L. He has leaded 3 research projects supported by the Spanish government and 13 privately funded research contracts. He has been external consultant for Electromateriales KLK (1991-1995), Saint-Gobain Cristaleria (2000-2002), HC Energia (2003-2005) and ITVASA (2005-2008), and visiting scholar at UC Berkeley (1995) and GE Global Research (1996). His research goals include the theoretical study of algorithms for mathematical modeling and intelligent data analysis, and the application of these techniques to practical problems of industrial modeling, signal processing and dimensional metrology, with special interest in the study of low quality data and fuzzy meta-information.

He is member of the editorial board of the journals “Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial”, “Mathware and Soft Computing” and “International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research”. He has organized special sessions in the conferences MCDM07, IPMU08, ESTYLF09 and ESTYLF10, is member of the steering committee of the Spanish MAEB series of conferences, participated in the organizing committee of the conference GEFS10, and has been part of the program committees of other 55 Spanish and international conferences.

He is author of over 30 international journal papers, and more than 100 contributions to conferences and book chapters.