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Flexible due dates in fuzzy job shop Flexible due dates in fuzzy job shop HOT

Here we attach the instances that are refered to in the paper "Satisfying flexible due dates in fuzzy job shop by means of hybrid evolutionary algorithms".


File format:


The instances are formatted as follows:


- The first two lines indicates the number of jobs

- The next two lines indicates the number of resources/machines

- The following is the machine requierement matrix

- The number in row "r" and column "c" is the machine required by the "c"-th task of job "r".


- The last matrix cotains the task durations

- The TFN in row "r" and column "c" is the duration of the "c"-th task of job "r".

- Last two rows contain the flexible due-dates foe each job

Created 2019-10-16
Changed 2019-10-16
Size 292.61 KB
Created by Super User
Changed by Super User
Downloads 128